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The social, ethical and environmental commitment of OMAL is certified according to the most important and advanced Italian and international standards. The compliance to protocols and principles of responsibility make of OMAL an excellence in matters of  brand reputation and corporate responsibility in the world of B-to-B.

OMAL has obtained the Health and Safety Management System certification according to the international standard ISO 45001:2018.

The OMAL Environmental Management System certification ensures the compliance with the rules on environment protection and pollution prevention and assure the correct management of the impacts due to the activities of procurement and production up to the products disposal at the end of life.

OMAL is the world’s first valves and actuators makers Certified B Corporation®, with a incoming score of 107. The B Corp distinguishes itself in the market from all the other realities. They go beyond the objectives of profit and innovate to maximise their positive impact on their employees, the communities in which they operate, and the environment. In this way the business becomes a regenerating force for society and the planet.

“Certified B Corporation” is a trademark licensed by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and therefore meet the requirements set by B Lab for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.
It is specified that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) No 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as per Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012.The criteria of the BIA are distinct and independent from the harmonized standards resulting from ISO norms or other standardization bodies, and they are not ratified by national or European public institutions.

Il Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite è una delle più rilevanti iniziative del mondo in materia di sostenibilità e, lanciata nel 2000, ha il mandato di guidare le aziende nel perseguire gli obiettivi e i principi delle Nazioni Unite attraverso pratiche responsabili. L’adesione comporta che le imprese abbraccino, supportino, mettano in atto e rendicontino, nella loro strategia e nell’ambito della loro sfera di influenza, un set di valori fondamentali identificati dai cosiddetti Dieci Principi riguardanti diritti umani, standard di lavoro, ambiente e lotta alla corruzione.

  • OMAL Spa SB dal 2018 è socio fondatore del Global Compact Network Italia (GCNI), il cui scopo primario è quello di contribuire allo sviluppo in Italia del Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite, iniziativa per la promozione della cultura della cittadinanza d'impresa promossa e gestita su scala globale dalle Nazioni Unite.
  • Nel 2024 abbiamo firmato a sostegno del nostro impegno il Manifesto “Imprese per le Persone e la Società”, che ha l’obiettivo di diffondere l’ambizione di un supporto crescente da parte del settore privato nella dimensione sociale della sostenibilità in azienda, lungo le catene di fornitura e nelle comunità, aspirando al coinvolgimento della catena del valore, e andando, ove possibile, oltre gli obblighi di legge, al fine di assicurare un futuro equo e sostenibile alle generazioni a venire.

The goal of the EcoVadis evaluation is to get a clear idea on the Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR- practices (environment, social field, ethics, supply chain) in OMAL.
For 2023, our company has obtained the GOLD MEDAL with a score above 75 out of 100, and with improvements in evaluations in the areas of environment, worker rights and human rights, and sustainable procurement.This result places OMAL in the top 5% of companies assessed by EcoVadis that have obtained the highest scores in the last 12 months (95th percentile or higher).

OMAL updated its organization Carbon Footprint in order to measure the business impact in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions (greenhouse effect gas) and to identify suitable reduction and compensation projects. This year as well  data collection and report have been verified and validated in collaboration with the certification body RINA.

In 2017 OMAL chose to supply itself with electrical energy  from renewable sources. All the products of OMAL, therefore are run by machines powered by green energy supplied to us by A2A.

OMAL compensates users for the energy they consume to view its institutional site. The CO2 emissions are compensated for with urban forestation Rete Clima® projects in the Italian territory.